Evacuation Route

You may wish to install a phone app from NVS Tsumani Evacuation Zones that will report all earthquakes, world wide, with details as to whether or not your area will be potentially impacted by a tsunami from that earthquake.

Since most of the Sandy Point, Sandy Point Heights, and Neptune Beach areas are near sea level, there is, of course, some risk from storm waves, and Tsunami action.  Weighing that risk is fairly subjective, and can fall somewhere on a line between "we're primed and waiting for the next big earthquake" to "not likely in my lifetime".    Where ever you are on that line, if you are concerned about the potential for a Tsunami event, consider researching on these sites:

The WA Tsunami website (with lots of links) is at        
The Full Slide Package from a recent seminar is at        
The full seminar can be watched at           

These are the first few slides from the "Full Slide Package. . . " noted above.  Please click that link for the rest of the 60 slides.

All You'll Want To Know About Living On The Point!