All You'll Want To Know About Living On The Point!


It's a pretty safe assumption that you like being around the water - - either for the ever-changing views or boating or just being in a beach community.  

There is an enormous amount of information available.  The "Links" Tab is a great place to start - - and since we're continually finding new details, it will be "a place to come back to", often, for updates.  Feel free to contact us with any new and amazing info that you may have found elsewhere, and that you'd like to see a link, here.             Enjoy !

View Homes/Property

Of Course you can find all the listings of available homes, condos, and lots here, but the real purpose of the site is to provide information and history to everyone. For Property, click the tab at the page top.


There's a tab marked "History" that will include details that go back into the mid 1850's.

If you didn't get here by accident - - - 

Navigation (Marine)

The Marine Navigation tab will detail the Marina, and channel out to Rosario Straits, and Tides - - you'll definitely want to know about Tides!

This site is "All about Sandy Point & Neptune Beach".

The Neighborhoods

"Down the Road" from here, you'll find three distinct neighborhoods:  Neptune Beach, Neptune Heights, and Sandy Point Shores .  The Tabs across the top of this page will take you to more details. For Sandy Point Improvement Co, click "Links".